12 febrero, 2025

Síntoma: Windows 7 no reconoce disco USB
Solución 1:

Enchufa y prende el disco duro USB
Clic derecho en “Equipo”
Clic en “Propiedades”
Clic en “Administrador de dispositivos”
Expande la lista de USB “Controladoras de bus universal”
Encuentra tu disco duro USB
Dale clic derecho y luego “Desinstalar”
Apaga tu disco duro USB
Prende tu disco duro USB y deja que se instale el driver

Solución 2:

Also, go to Start -> Computer -> Organize -> Folder and search options -> click View tab -> uncheck “Hide empty drives in the Computer folder” -> OK.

What is the result? If the issue still exists, please move on:

Delete the Upperfilters and Lowerfilters value for USB device


1. Click the “Start” button, type “regedit” (without quotation marks) in the “Search” bar and then press “Enter”.

2. Navigate to the following key:


3. Right click the {36FC9E60-C465-11CF-8056-444553540000} entry, choose “Export”, select “Desktop” in the “Save in” box and type “backup” (without quotation marks) in “File Name”. Click “Save”.

Please Note: The backup file is on the Desktop and named “backup.reg”. We can simply restore the registry by double-clicking the “backup.reg” file.

4. Highlight this key ({36FC9E60-C465-11CF-8056-444553540000} ), on the right pane, and then check if “Upperfilters” and “Lowerfilters” value are present. If so, please right click on the values and select “Delete” to remove them.

5. Restart the computer to check the issue.

Solución 3


USB shows in the device manager (right click on my computer and click manage, devices) either “Unknown USB device” or “name of USB hard drive manufacturer” both of which have the yellow ! next to them saying they aren’t installed correctly.

Resolution :

Right click on the device in the device manager that shows it isn’t installed, click update driver software, enter this location assuming your C drive is your main drive

“C:Windowswinsxs” and ensure the box is checked to include subfolders and hit ok. It should reinstall immediately and show up as a new drive in “My Computer”

You may have to uninstall the device first, replug it back in and then run through the above steps.

Soluciòn 4

FIRST! insert it into a USB port and make sure it shows up in “Disk Management”, “Devices and Printers”

and the USB icon shows up in the system tray (even if it wont display the device name when you click the USB icon, it may show 3 dots),

if it is showing up in all 3, click on it in “Disk Management” and see if it has a drive letter,

if it hasn’t got a drive letter set it to “Z:”.

then right click it in “Disk Management” and select either “Open” or “Explore”

if it will open and you can see the files on it, then this may help as a quick fix for the time being.

1) with the USB pen in a USB port, open the “Devices and Printers” control panel, double left click its icon to open it’s properties,

click on “Hardware” tab, highlight it and open its “Properties”, set its “Policies” to “Quick Removal”,

this way you can insert and remove it with out causing any problems to it, close its properties.

2) open “Computer Management” console, click on “Disk Management” right click its entry, and change its drive letter to “Z”,

if you haven’t done so already.

3) right it click again and select either “Open” or “explore”

4) if there are no files on it create a folder and call it “Files”, right click and hold the folder then drag and drop it onto the desktop, and select create shortcut, rename the shortcut to “USB PEN”.

5) right click the shortcut and select “Properties” in the “Shortcut” tab, change both the “Target” and “Start in” paths to “Z:”.

(changing the “Target” and “Start in” paths to “Z:” will prevent windows asking if you want to delete the short cut, if you click on it when the USB pen is not in the machine, instead nothing will happen.)

6) open “Computer” now either copy and paste or move the shortcut to the “Favorites” folder in the left pan of the “Computer” console panel.

7) with the USB pen in a USB port click the shortcut and see if it opens the USB pen.

if it opens the pen you can now delete the folder we created on it to make the shortcut.

Solución 5


Soluciòn 6

Step 1:


Copy the below files:




Paste the files in


Step 2:

Then go to device manageer (START, serach program and files for Device Manager, then click it). It will show a list

of devices, and half way down is an ‘UNKNOWN DEVICE’ with the yellow icon next to it. Right click that and

‘reinstall driver’ or ‘update driver software’ – > Browse my computer for driver software -> Put the path ‘C:


This should install the USB devise

Step 3:

If you get an error while installing that, the next step is to go to C:/Windows/System32/drivers/USBSTOR.SYS

and paste the file USBSTOR.SYS file only mentioned in Step 1 (if prompted to replace, pls allow)

Más información en:


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